Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Submit a Bush Scandal!

So that we can track them, if you've got a Bush Scandal, please post it here. We'll get it in the proper category or make a new one if it warrants it.


Texas KOS said...

thanks, max!

Jenius said...

I had been assembling articles by category for a web site I've never developed. As soon as I get the links from my favorites, I'll pass them along. I planned on having a page for each category, perhaps just a list of links on the sidebar would work? Might be better for regular web pages than blogs.

My categories: Iraq; Propaganda; 9/11; "Liberal" Media; War Profiteering; Plame; Religion; 1st Amendment; Environment; Big Bidness; Dirty Campaigning; Terra-ism; Treatment of Veterans; Torture. A few others, but I think these are the biggies. Hey, how many of these can be attributed to Rove alone?

Texas KOS said...

jenius -- rove has his grubby fingers in all of them!

as for the articles, my idea is to have a list of categories either on the side bar and/or in one article & from there contact points.

so send away